Each section is on a seperate page:
Early History - 1977-2003 - 2003 Onwards - Organists - Methodist Chapel
Early Years
Sadly, nothing is known of the first organ built in 1837 although it is believed to have been in the gallery. The second organ of 1875 was Hill's Opus 1571. It was probably supplied initially with a single manual and pedal in a pitch pine case costing £200 and was probably brought into use during November 1875.
Open Diapason | 8 | Bourdon | 16 |
Dulciana | 8 |
Hohl Flute | 8 |
Principal | 4 |
Fifteenth | 2 |
Oboe | 8 |
It had mechanical action and the manual pipework was enclosed.
In 1882, Hill added a four stop Swell and transferred the swellbox from the Great to house it. The Swell stops were: Gamba, Rohr Flute, Gemshorn, Oboe (from Great). The notes of the bottom octave were coupled to the Hohl Flute and a Swell to Great coupler was provided. On the Great, a Wald Flute 4 replaced the Oboe. Total cost was £95.
In 1911, Liddiat - a local builder - installed a three manual instrument with tubular pneumatic key and stop action. There was a detached console with a concave parallel pedalboard with a 30 note compass from C to f1. The manual compass was 56 notes from C to g3.
The specification was as follows:
Large Bourdon | 16 | Small Open Diapason | 8 |
Lieblich Bourdon (Swell) | 16 | Viol da Gamba | 8 |
Bass Flute (Ext) | 8 | Wald Flute | 4 |
Cremona | 8 |
Lieblich Bourdon | 16 | Open Diapason | 8 |
Rohr Flute | 8 | Hohl Flute | 8 |
Gamba | 8 | Dulciana | 8 |
Celeste | 8 | Principal | 4 |
Gemshorn | 4 | Fifteenth | 2 |
Oboe | 8 | ||
Octave Coupler |
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Great
Choir to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Blowing: electric
Lever pedal; 3 pistons Great, 3 Swell
The Cremona was subsequently displaced by a Trompette, possibly by Osmond, in 1962.
[Thanks are due to Roy Williamson for much of the above data]