During the time that the Rev. Summerhayes was Rector in Amberley (1892 – 1908) he was frequently invited to preach in the Methodist Chapel in Littleworth. Over the following years and especially while the Rev. Jeremy Burslem was Rector, a closer relationship developed between the two worshipping communities.
By 1986, the first moves towards the unity of the two churches were made and three years later, on 10th September, 1989 a Covenant was signed by representatives of the two churches in the presence of the Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt. Rev. John Yates and the Chairman of the Bristol District of the Methodist Church, the Rev. Ian White.
On 16th September, 1990 on the occasion of the Bicentenary of the Methodist Church in Littleworth, a final service was held in the chapel. Following this occasion the old Vestry was converted into a Chapel of Prayer (New Room) and contains historic items from the old Chapel. Also Littleworth Hall was retained for the united church.
In the early 1990’s an ‘Ad Hoc’ group was formed with the Rev. Mike Tucker and the Rev. John Crocker to explore the way forward. On the 2nd September, 2001 the updated and amended Anglican and Methodist Covenant and Constitution in Amberley was signed by both clergy and lay representatives in the presence of a member from Gloucestershire Churches Together.
Since then we have continued to find new ways of sharing our approaches to the Christian faith. One service that has been supported over years is the Methodist Covenant Service that in Amberley is held the first Sunday in September. During this service the following prayer is used.
I am no longer my own but yours.
Your will, not mine, be done in all things,
Wherever you place me,
In all that I do and in all that I may endure;
When there is work for me and when there is none;
When I am troubled and when I am at peace.
Your will be done when I am valued and when I am disregarded;
When I find fulfilment and when it is lacking;
When I have all things, and when I have nothing.
I willingly offer all I have and serve you as and where you choose.
Glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You are mine and I am yours, may it be so for ever.
Let this covenant now made on earth be fulfilled in heaven. Amen.